.nginxhole勒索病毒解密 服务器中毒解密.nginxhole SQL数据库中病毒解密.nginxhole 金蝶旗舰版中毒解密恢复
2021-01-15 12:36:29
.nginxhole勒索病毒解密 服务器中毒解密.nginxhole SQL数据库中病毒解密.nginxhole 金蝶旗舰版中毒解密恢复
客户名称 保密
数据类型 SQL数据库2008r2 金蝶旗舰版 5.0
数据大小 1.41 GB
故障检测 服务器被勒索病毒加密, 文件被添加扩展名.nginxhole
Vulnerabilities have been found on your system.
Your file system is damaged.
All files are encrypted with a complex strong key AES 256, RSA and so on.
Don't use an antivirus. It can corrupt files and all cannot be recovered.
You have been assigned a unique identifier.
After infection, you have 96 hours to declare decryption. After the expiration of 96 hours, the keys will be automatically deleted.
Do not use third-party file recovery or decryption software. They do not work. They mess up files. See for yourself.
Detailed information can be obtained by mail: nginxhole@gjessmail.com
To receive instructions on decryption, write to the mail: nginxhole@gjessmail.com
To get the decryption keys and the decryption program, write to the mail: nginxhole@tutanota.com
修复结果 客户把加密数据库发来后,通过内部技术重组出数据库文件进行恢复,最终恢复出100%的数据,客户非常满意.